Education Forms
Application for Provider Status - Initial & Renewal
Education Approval Application: In Person Training
Education Approval Application: Online Training
Education Approval for Recertification
Benefits of Becoming an Approved Education Provider
- Assured of offering training that professionals must acquire for recertification.
- Organization can market trainings as DCB Approved.
- Approved education is listed on the DCB website which is the first place professionals seeking recertification are directed for education.
- Approved education will be searchable on the DCB website by not only organization, topic, region, online or in person training and date.
Title | Dates | Hours | Location | Organization |
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Mutual Help Group Participation for Substance Use Problems - 103010 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Poor, Persecuted, Young, and Alone-Toward Explaining the Elevated Risk of Alcohol Problems Among Black and Latino Men Who Drink - 103011 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Dimensions of Impulsivity in Gambling Disorder - 103030 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
A Systematic Review of Gambling-related Findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions - 103031 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Group Therapy and Substance Use Patients - 103032 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Dealing With Ethical Challenges in Mental Health: a Focus Group Study - 103033 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Comparison of 12-step Groups to Mutual Help Alternatives for AUD in a Large, National Study-Differences in Membership Characteristics and Group Participation, Cohesion, and Satisfaction - 103034 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Complexities With Group Therapy Facilitation in Substance Use Disorder Specialty Treatment Settings - 103038 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Prevention and Treatment of HIV Among People Living With Substance Use and Or Mental Disorders - 103039 | - | 4 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Program Evaluation of Group Transcending Self Therapy-An Integrative Modular Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders - 103040 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Co-Occurring Disorders: Integrated Assessment and Treatment of Substance Use and Mental Disorders: Sections 2 and 3 - 103043 | - | 8 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Family Therapy and the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders - 103044 | - | 8 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Reach Out and Shrink Someone: Legal and Ethical Considerations in the Age of Technology Part 1 - 103053 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Reach Out and Shrink Someone: Legal and Ethical Considerations in the Age of Technology Part 2 - 103054 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Brain Interrupted-Early Life Traumatic Brain Injury and Addiction Vulnerability - 103065 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Mindfulness-based Programs for Substance Use Disorders-a Systematic Review of Manualized Treatments - 103068 | - | 3 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Pharmacotherapy for Stimulant Use Disorders-A Systematic Review - 103069 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Family Therapy-Working With Families and Influences of Misuse (TIP 39) - 103072 | - | 4 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Family Therapy in SUD: Approaches, Integration and Special Populations (TIP 39):Approaches, Integration and Special Populations - 103073 | - | 6 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Screening and Assessment of Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System- Instruments for Screening and Assessing Co-occurring Disorders Part 1 - 103083 | - | 7 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Screening and Assessment of Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System- Instruments for Screening and Assessing Co-occurring Disorders Part 2 - 103085 | - | 5 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
TIP 26- Overview of Treating Substance Use Disorder in Older Adults - 103087 | - | 3 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
TIP 26-Treating Substance Use Disorder in Older Adults-Chapter 3 - Evaluation and Assessment - 103088 | - | 3 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Longing for the Past and Longing for the Future-A Phenomenological Assessment of the Relation Between Temporal Focus and Readiness to Change Among People Living With Addiction - 103089 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Part 1 - Boundary Issues and Dual Relationships in the Human Services - 103095 | - | 9 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |